AppSOC Story

After working in software and cybersecurity industry for over two decades, the founding team realized that there was a fundamental gap in the way software vulnerabilities and security risks are managed - leading to the inevitable supply-chain and application security attacks that we have witnessed recently.

DevOps and Security are continuously at conflict in this shift-left or shift-right paradigm. They need to unify together, work from the same source of truth and manage application security from one platform.

Unified DevOps and Supply-Chain Vulnerability Platform
that can aggregate and manage security findings and vulnerabilities from all application security scanners, manage them centrally and orchestrate resolution and faster remediation, at scale.

95% Less Noise

20X More Efficient

Join our team
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About Image - Saasplex X Webflow TemplateOur Story - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Scanner Tools

DevOps and Security teams have a choice to use their favorite tools and platforms


Findings Processed

State of the art machine learning platform that analyzes 1000s of findings/sec


Noise Reduction

Deduplication and false
alerts are automatically removed with risk prioritization


Rapid Time to Value

The solution is cloud-native and can be deployed quickly in the cloud or on-prem.

A great story always starts with a great relationship

Our values
About Image - Saasplex X Webflow Template
About SaaS - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Our mission is to help you secure your business

Our values
Our values

The values that drive everything we do

Innovative - Saasplex X Webflow Template


Our values
Excellence - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Customer Focus

Our values
Amazing - Saasplex X Webflow Template


Our values
Team Work - Saasplex X Webflow Template

Team Work

Our values
Our team

The amazing team behind our company

Our values
Our offices

We are available to meet you where you are

Our values
San Francisco Icon - Saasplex X Webflow Template

San Jose

Ready to get started?

Our expert team can assess your needs, show you a live demo, and recommend a solution that will save you time and money.