Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)

Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) is a comprehensive approach to continuously monitoring, assessing, and enhancing the security posture of applications. It integrates various security practices and tools to ensure that applications remain secure throughout their lifecycle, from development to deployment and beyond. By providing a holistic view of the application environment, ASPM helps organizations identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, manage risks, and maintain compliance with security policies and regulations. It involves coordinating efforts across different teams, such as development, operations, and security, to create a cohesive strategy for protecting applications.

ASPM is crucial in today's rapidly evolving threat landscape, where applications are frequent targets of cyber attacks. With the increasing complexity of applications and the growing use of third-party components, ASPM provides a structured framework for managing security risks effectively. It ensures that security measures are not only implemented but also continuously improved based on real-time insights and evolving threats. By adopting ASPM, organizations can enhance their resilience against attacks, reduce the likelihood of security breaches, and protect their sensitive data and assets.


Gartner: Innovation Insight for Application Security Posture Management

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